Monday, January 21, 2013

Reagan - 4 months

*note to readers...this post written OCT 2012. Again, sans pics...they'll come at some point :)

This baby girl is getting big! Saying that time has flown by would be an understatement. I keep thinking that I'll remember the milestones and "should start blogging about that." see how that goes. It took me 4 months to post that the child was even born! I can't seem to find time or just the "umph" to sit down and write about all the sweet things Reagan does. I've got to be better about this...for Reagan. I want her to have something to look back on one day and see how she grew up right before our very eyes.

will. do. better.


rolling over. Baby Reagan entertained for sure when she rolled over for the first time in front of her MiMi. I was so happy that my mom got to see just made her day. and surprised me! I was changing her diaper and off she went across the blanket. it was like a light switch went on...finally chica is learning how to use her arms. legs are her strongpoint ;)

laughing for real. this girl loves her daddy and oh can he make her laugh. momma can too, though. Reagan giggles at big kisses on her belly and funny faces. is there anything sweeter?!

all out formula. i stopped nursing at 3 months and Reagan still took bottles 1/2 milk, 1/2 formula this whole month. however, toward the end my milk was used up and we are on straight formula now. reagan didn't miss a beat...this child can grub.

traveling. Reagan has been an excellent traveler since the first ride home from the hospital. she loves looking out the window and either chills or sleeps during the entire drive.

sorry peeps...I know I had more things to say on that update but obviously never finished it. I've not been good at all about keeping up with all the things she's doing :(. Going back to work didn't help either! In any case, Trey says, "Who cares. You've been busy raising a child, not blogging about raising a child." hmmm..thanks babe :). However, I still commend those moms who are really good about writing everything down and sharing with amaze me!

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